1. Biology Dictionary
  2. 3'-5' RNA helicase YTHDC2

3'-5' RNA helicase YTHDC2


3'-5' RNA helicase that plays a key role in the male and female germline by promoting transition from mitotic to meiotic divisions in stem cells. Specifically recognizes and binds N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-containing RNAs, a modification present at internal sites of mRNAs and some non-coding RNAs that plays a role in the efficiency of RNA processing and stability. Essential for ensuring a successful progression of the meiotic program in the germline by regulating the level of m6A-containing RNAs (By similarity). Acts by binding and promoting degradation of m6A-containing mRNAs: the 3'-5' RNA helicase activity is required for this process and RNA degradation may be mediated by XRN1 exoribonuclease. Required for both spermatogenesis and oogenesis (By similarity).

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