1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Toll-like receptor 8

Toll-like receptor 8


Endosomal receptor that plays a key role in innate and adaptive immunity. Controls host immune response against pathogens through recognition of RNA degradation products specific to microorganisms that are initially processed by RNASET2. Recognizes GU-rich single-stranded RNA (GU-rich RNA) derived from SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV-1 and HIV-1 viruses. Upon binding to agonists, undergoes dimerization that brings TIR domains from the two molecules into direct contact, leading to the recruitment of TIR-containing downstream adapter MYD88 through homotypic interaction. In turn, the Myddosome signaling complex is formed involving IRAK4, IRAK1, TRAF6, TRAF3 leading to activation of downstream transcription factors NF-kappa-B and IRF7 to induce pro-inflammatory cytokines and interferons, respectively.


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