1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Death-associated protein kinase 2

Death-associated protein kinase 2


Calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine/threonine kinase involved in multiple cellular signaling pathways that trigger cell survival, apoptosis, and autophagy. Regulates both type I apoptotic and type II autophagic cell death signals, depending on the cellular setting. The former is caspase-dependent, while the latter is caspase-independent and is characterized by the accumulation of autophagic vesicles. Acts as a mediator of anoikis and a suppressor of beta-catenin-dependent anchorage-independent growth of malignant epithelial cells. May play a role in granulocytic maturation. Regulates granulocytic motility by controlling cell spreading and polarization.; Isoform 2 is not regulated by calmodulin. It can phosphorylate MYL9. It can induce membrane blebbing and autophagic cell death.

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