1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Protein mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase PARP14

Protein mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase PARP14


ADP-ribosyltransferase that mediates mono-ADP-ribosylation of glutamate residues on target proteins. In contrast to PARP1 and PARP2, it is not able to mediate poly-ADP-ribosylation. Has been shown to catalyze the mono-ADP-ribosylation of STAT1 at 'Glu-657' and 'Glu-705', thus decreasing STAT1 phosphorylation which negatively regulates pro-inflammatory cytokine production in macrophages in response to IFNG stimulation. However, the role of ADP-ribosylation in the prevention of STAT1 phosphorylation has been called into question and it has been suggested that the inhibition of phosphorylation may be the result of sumoylation of STAT1 'Lys-703'. Mono-ADP-ribosylates STAT6; enhancing STAT6-dependent transcription. In macrophages, positively regulates MRC1 expression in response to IL4 stimulation by promoting STAT6 phosphorylation. Mono-ADP-ribosylates PARP9.

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