1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Protein SLFN14 [Cleaved into: C-terminally truncated SLFN14 endoribonuclease

Protein SLFN14 [Cleaved into: C-terminally truncated SLFN14 endoribonuclease


[Protein SLFN14]: Shows no ribosome-associated and endoribonuclease activities.; [C-terminally truncated SLFN14 endoribonuclease]: Displays polysome-associated endoribonuclease activity towards mRNAs and rRNAs. May play a role in RNA surveillance pathways by recognizing stalled ribosomes and triggering endonucleolytic cleavage of aberrant mRNAs (Probable). Cleaves different types of rRNAs and mRNAs in a magnesium- and manganese-dependent and ATP-independent manner (By similarity). Involved in correct maturation of megakaryocytes and especially important for proplatelet extension.

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