1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Transcription intermediary factor 1-alpha

Transcription intermediary factor 1-alpha


Transcriptional coactivator that interacts with numerous nuclear receptors and coactivators and modulates the transcription of target genes. Interacts with chromatin depending on histone H3 modifications, having the highest affinity for histone H3 that is both unmodified at 'Lys-4' (H3K4me0) and acetylated at 'Lys-23' (H3K23ac). Has E3 protein-ubiquitin ligase activity. During the DNA damage response, participates in an autoregulatory feedback loop with TP53. Early in response to DNA damage, ATM kinase phosphorylates TRIM24 leading to its ubiquitination and degradation. After sufficient DNA repair has occurred, TP53 activates TRIM24 transcription, ultimately leading to TRIM24-mediated TP53 ubiquitination and degradation. Plays a role in the regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis, at least in part via its effects on p53/TP53 levels. Up-regulates ligand-dependent transcription activation by AR, GCR/NR3C1, thyroid hormone receptor (TR) and ESR1. Modulates transcription activation by retinoic acid (RA) receptors, including RARA. Plays a role in regulating retinoic acid-dependent proliferation of hepatocytes (By similarity). Participates also in innate immunity by mediating the specific 'Lys-63'-linked ubiquitination of TRAF3 leading to activation of downstream signal transduction of the type I IFN pathway. Additionally, negatively regulates NLRP3/CASP1/IL-1beta-mediated pyroptosis and cell migration probably by ubiquitinating NLRP3.

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