1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Transportin-3



Importin, which transports target proteins into the nucleus. Specifically mediates the nuclear import of splicing factor serine/arginine (SR) proteins, such as RBM4, SFRS1 and SFRS2, by recognizing phosphorylated SR domains. Also mediates the nuclear import of serine/arginine (SR) protein CPSF6, independently of CPSF6 phosphorylation. The nuclear import process is regulated by the small GTPase Ran that partitions between cytoplasm and nucleus in the predominantly GDP- and GTP-bound form, respectively. Importin associates with target cargo proteins in the cytoplasm, and the competitive binding of GTP-bound Ran induces the release of cargos in the nucleus.; (Microbial infection) Involved in immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) infection by importing the pre-integration complex (PIC) into the nucleus. Required for a nuclear maturation step of HIV-1 prior to integration.


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