1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Type-1 angiotensin II receptor

Type-1 angiotensin II receptor


Receptor for angiotensin II, a vasoconstricting peptide, which acts as a key regulator of blood pressure and sodium retention by the kidney. The activated receptor in turn couples to G-alpha proteins G(q) (GNAQ, GNA11, GNA14 or GNA15) and thus activates phospholipase C and increases the cytosolic Ca(2+) concentrations, which in turn triggers cellular responses such as stimulation of protein kinase C.; (Microbial infection) During SARS coronavirus-2/SARS-CoV-2 infection, it is able to recognize and internalize the complex formed by secreted ACE2 and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein through DNM2/dynamin 2-dependent endocytosis.

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