1. Academic Validation
  2. Structure-based analysis of catalysis and substrate definition in the HIT protein family

Structure-based analysis of catalysis and substrate definition in the HIT protein family

  • Science. 1997 Oct 10;278(5336):286-90. doi: 10.1126/science.278.5336.286.
C D Lima 1 M G Klein W A Hendrickson


  • 1 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University, New York, NY 10032, USA.

The histidine triad (HIT) protein family is among the most ubiquitous and highly conserved in nature, but a biological activity has not yet been identified for any member of the HIT family. Fragile histidine triad protein (FHIT) and protein kinase C interacting protein (PKCI) were used in a structure-based approach to elucidate characteristics of in vivo ligands and reactions. Crystallographic structures of apo, substrate analog, pentacovalent transition-state analog, and product states of both enzymes reveal a catalytic mechanism and define substrate characteristics required for catalysis, thus unifying the HIT family as nucleotidyl hydrolases, transferases, or both. The approach described here may be useful in identifying structure-function relations between protein families identified through genomics.
