1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Ribonuclease T2

Ribonuclease T2


Ribonuclease that plays an essential role in innate immune response by recognizing and degrading RNAs from microbial pathogens that are subsequently sensed by TLR8. Cleaves preferentially single-stranded RNA molecules between purine and uridine residues, which critically contributes to the supply of catabolic uridine and the generation of purine-2',3'-cyclophosphate-terminated oligoribonucleotides. In turn, RNase T2 degradation products promote the RNA-dependent activation of TLR8. Also plays a key role in degradation of mitochondrial RNA and processing of non-coding RNA imported from the cytosol into mitochondria. Participates as well in degradation of mitochondrion-associated cytosolic rRNAs.

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