1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Transcription factor E2F6

Transcription factor E2F6


Inhibitor of E2F-dependent transcription. Binds DNA cooperatively with DP proteins through the E2 recognition site, 5'-TTTC[CG]CGC-3'. Has a preference for the 5'-TTTCCCGC-3' E2F recognition site. E2F6 lacks the transcriptional activation and pocket protein binding domains. Appears to regulate a subset of E2F-dependent genes whose products are required for entry into the cell cycle but not for normal cell cycle progression. Represses expression of some meiosis-specific genes, including SLC25A31/ANT4 (By similarity). May silence expression via the recruitment of a chromatin remodeling complex containing histone H3-K9 methyltransferase activity. Overexpression delays the exit of cells from the S-phase.

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