1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 26C

Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 26C


Acts as component of the retriever complex. The retriever complex is a heterotrimeric complex related to retromer cargo-selective complex (CSC) and essential for retromer-independent retrieval and recycling of numerous cargos such as integrin alpha-5/beta-1 (ITGA5:ITGB1). The recruitment of the retriever complex to the endosomal membrane involves CCC and WASH complexes. In the endosomes, drives the retriever and recycling of NxxY-motif-containing cargo proteins by coupling to SNX17, a cargo essential for the homeostatic maintenance of numerous cell surface proteins associated with processes that include cell migration, cell adhesion, nutrient supply and cell signaling.; (Microbial infection) The heterotrimeric retriever complex, in collaboration with the CCC complex, mediates the exit of human papillomavirus to the cell surface.

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