1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Dual specificity protein phosphatase 7

Dual specificity protein phosphatase 7


Dual specificity protein phosphatase. Shows high activity towards MAPK1/ERK2. Also has lower activity towards MAPK14 and MAPK8. In arrested oocytes, plays a role in meiotic resumption (By similarity). Promotes nuclear envelope breakdown and activation of the CDK1/Cyclin-B complex in oocytes, probably by dephosphorylating and inactivating the conventional protein kinase C (cPKC) isozyme PRKCB (By similarity). May also inactivate PRKCA and/or PRKCG (By similarity). Also important in oocytes for normal chromosome alignment on the metaphase plate and progression to anaphase, where it might regulate activity of the spindle-assembly checkpoint (SAC) complex (By similarity).

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