1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Agnathia-otocephaly complex

Agnathia-otocephaly complex


Otocephaly, also referred to as agnathia-otocephaly complex, is an extremely rare lethal anomalad characterized by mandibular hypoplasia or agnathia, ventromedial auricular malposition (melotia) and/or auricular fusion (synotia), and microstomia with oroglossal hypoplasia or aglossia. The etiologic causes of otocephaly can be distinctly classified as a consequence of genetic and teratogenic factors. Recently, molecular genetic studies led to the identification of a loss of function genetic mutation in the PRRX1 gene. Teratogenic factors include smoking, alcohol usage, or even an exposure to radiation can increase the risk. In addition, other chemicals/drugs like streptonigrin antibiotics, trypan blue, theophylline, beclomethasone, salicylates, amidopyrine, mycophenolate, and phenytoin may increase the risk among pregnancies.

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