1. Biology Dictionary
  2. [F-actin]-monooxygenase MICAL2

[F-actin]-monooxygenase MICAL2


Methionine monooxygenase that promotes depolymerization of F-actin by mediating oxidation of residues 'Met-44' and 'Met-47' on actin to form methionine-sulfoxide, resulting in actin filament disassembly and preventing repolymerization. Regulates the disassembly of branched actin networks also by oxidizing ARP3B-containing ARP2/3 complexes leading to ARP3B dissociation from the network. Acts as a key regulator of the SRF signaling pathway elicited by nerve growth factor and serum: mediates oxidation and subsequent depolymerization of nuclear actin, leading to increase MKL1/MRTF-A presence in the nucleus and promote SRF:MKL1/MRTF-A-dependent gene transcription. Does not activate SRF:MKL1/MRTF-A through RhoA.

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