1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Flavin-containing monooxygenase 2

Flavin-containing monooxygenase 2


Catalyzes the oxidative metabolism of numerous xenobiotics, including mainly therapeutic drugs and insecticides that contain a soft nucleophile, most commonly nitrogen and sulfur and participates to their bioactivation. Specifically catalyzes S-oxygenation of sulfur derived compounds such as thioureas-derived compounds, thioetherorganophosphates to their sulfenic acid. In vitro, catalyzes S-oxygenation of the second-line antitubercular drugs thiacetazone (TAZ) and ethionamide (ETA), forming a sulfinic acid and a carbodiimide via a postulated sulfenic acid intermediate. Also catalyzes S-oxygenation of the thioether-containing organophosphate insecticides, phorate and disulfoton.

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