1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Follistatin-related protein 3

Follistatin-related protein 3


Isoform 1 or the secreted form is a binding and antagonizing protein for members of the TGF-beta family, such us activin, BMP2 and MSTN. Inhibits activin A-, activin B-, BMP2- and MSDT-induced cellular signaling; more effective on activin A than on activin B. Involved in bone formation; inhibits osteoclast differentiationc. Involved in hematopoiesis; involved in differentiation of hemopoietic progenitor cells, increases hematopoietic cell adhesion to fibronectin and seems to contribute to the adhesion of hematopoietic precursor cells to the bone marrow stroma. Isoform 2 or the nuclear form is probably involved in transcriptional regulation via interaction with MLLT10.

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