1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Gamma-secretase-activating protein

Gamma-secretase-activating protein


Regulator of gamma-secretase activity, which specifically activates the production of amyloid-beta protein (amyloid-beta protein 40 and amyloid-beta protein 42), without affecting the cleavage of other gamma-secretase targets such has Notch. The gamma-secretase complex is an endoprotease complex that catalyzes the intramembrane cleavage of integral membrane proteins such as Notch receptors and APP (amyloid-beta precursor protein). Specifically promotes the gamma-cleavage of APP CTF-alpha (also named APP-CTF) by the gamma-secretase complex to generate amyloid-beta, while it reduces the epsilon-cleavage of APP CTF-alpha, leading to a low production of AICD.

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