1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Laryngeal cancer

Laryngeal cancer


Laryngeal cancer is one of the most common malignancies in Europe, with about 52,000 new cases per year, 90% of them occurring in men. Smoke and alcohol represent the major behavioral risk factors. Of all laryngeal cancers, some 95% are squamous cell carcinomas. Some molecular events have been described in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC). Although tumor suppressor inactivation of p53 and p16 is common in these tumors (about 50% each), oncogenic activation is less well characterized. Cyclin D1 and epidermal growth factor receptor amplification have been reported in one-third and one-quarter of LSCCs, respectively, both related to advanced stages, whereas c-myc could be amplified in 13% of cases although without associated overexpression.


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