1. Biology Dictionary
  2. LEM domain-containing protein 2

LEM domain-containing protein 2


Nuclear lamina-associated inner nuclear membrane protein that is involved in nuclear structure organization, maintenance of nuclear envelope integrity and nuclear envelope reformation after mitosis. Plays a role as transmembrane adapter for the endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT), and is thereby involved in ESCRT-mediated nuclear envelope reformation. Promotes ESCRT-mediated nuclear envelope closure by recruiting CHMP7 and downstream ESCRT-III proteins IST1/CHMP8 and CHMP2A to the reforming NE during anaphase. During nuclear reassembly, condenses into a liquid-like coating around microtubule spindles and coassembles with CHMP7 to form a macromolecular O-ring seal at the confluence between membranes, chromatin, and the spindle to facilitate early nuclear sealing. Required for embryonic development and involved in regulation of several signaling pathways such as MAPK and AKT (By similarity). Required for myoblast differentiation involving regulation of ERK signaling (By similarity).

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