1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Leucine rich adaptor protein 1

Leucine rich adaptor protein 1


Acts as an activator of the canonical NF-kappa-B pathway and drive the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Promotes the antigen (Ag)-presenting and priming function of dendritic cells via the canonical NF-kappa-B pathway. In concert with MYO18A and CDC42BPA/CDC42BPB, is involved in modulating lamellar actomyosin retrograde flow that is crucial to cell protrusion and migration. Activates CDC42BPA/CDC42BPB and targets it to actomyosin through its interaction with MYO18A, leading to MYL9/MLC2 phosphorylation and MYH9/MYH10-dependent actomyosin assembly in the lamella (By similarity).

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