1. Biology Dictionary
  2. N-acetyltransferase 8

N-acetyltransferase 8


Acetylates the free alpha-amino group of cysteine S-conjugates to form mercapturic acids. This is the final step in a major route for detoxification of a wide variety of reactive electrophiles which starts with their incorporation into glutathione S-conjugates. The glutathione S-conjugates are then further processed into cysteine S-conjugates and finally mercapturic acids which are water soluble and can be readily excreted in urine or bile. Alternatively, may have a lysine N-acetyltransferase activity catalyzing peptidyl-lysine N6-acetylation of various proteins. Thereby, may regulate apoptosis through the acetylation and the regulation of the expression of PROM1. May also regulate amyloid beta-peptide secretion through acetylation of BACE1 and the regulation of its expression in neurons.

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