1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Nipped-B-like protein

Nipped-B-like protein


Plays an important role in the loading of the cohesin complex on to DNA. Forms a heterodimeric complex (also known as cohesin loading complex) with MAU2/SCC4 which mediates the loading of the cohesin complex onto chromatin. Plays a role in cohesin loading at sites of DNA damage. Its recruitment to double-strand breaks (DSBs) sites occurs in a CBX3-, RNF8- and RNF168-dependent manner whereas its recruitment to UV irradiation-induced DNA damage sites occurs in a ATM-, ATR-, RNF8- and RNF168-dependent manner. Along with ZNF609, promotes cortical neuron migration during brain development by regulating the transcription of crucial genes in this process. Preferentially binds promoters containing paused RNA polymerase II. Up-regulates the expression of SEMA3A, NRP1, PLXND1 and GABBR2 genes, among others (By similarity).

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