1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 3

Nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 3


Associates with NCBP1/CBP80 to form an alternative cap-binding complex (CBC) which plays a key role in mRNA export. NCBP3 serves as adapter protein linking the capped RNAs (m7GpppG-capped RNA) to NCBP1/CBP80. Unlike the conventional CBC with NCBP2 which binds both small nuclear RNA (snRNA) and messenger (mRNA) and is involved in their export from the nucleus, the alternative CBC with NCBP3 does not bind snRNA and associates only with mRNA thereby playing a role in only mRNA export. The alternative CBC is particularly important in cellular stress situations such as virus infections and the NCBP3 activity is critical to inhibit virus growth.

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