1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Retinal dystrophy and iris coloboma with congenital cataract

Retinal dystrophy and iris coloboma with congenital cataract


Retinal dystrophy and iris coloboma with congenital cataract (RDICC) is an autosomal dominant condition of retinal dystrophy and bilateral coloboma, present in varying degrees. A mutation in microRNA-204 (miR-204) has been identified in all affected individuals. It has been demonstrated that miR-204 is necessary for normal photoreceptor function.

Biomedical Dictionary

The Biomedical Dictionary is a comprehensive and professional collection of biological academic terms and subject datas. All explanations are supported by authoritative books or high impact factor literatures, and you can acquire accurate explanations of the biomedical terms you want to know.
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