1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Vitamin C deficiency

Vitamin C deficiency


Scurvy occurs because of reduced intake or absorption of vitamin C, which is characterized by bleeding gums, impaired wound healing, petechiae, perifollicular hemorrhage, anemia, arthralgia and joint effusions, fatigue, depression, and sudden death. It appears to result primarily from the decreased synthesis of collagen, a major protein in the body dependent on vitamin C for its biosynthesis. However, this role of vitamin C does not explain all of the manifestations associated with scurvy. At-risk groups include the poor (because of reduced access to groceries), food faddists, and individuals with purported allergies to multiple fruit and vegetable products. Other at-risk groups include persons with gastrointestinal disease (e.g. colitis), anatomical abnormalities, poor dentition, cancer patients on chemotherapy, patients on hemodialysis, and psychiatric disorders (e.g. depression, schizophrenia, or anorexia). Alcoholic persons represent one of the largest groups at risk for scurvy because they may have poorly balanced diets and because alcohol decreases the absorption of vitamin C. The diagnosis of scurvy is generally based on clinical features and dietary history, and there is rapid resolution of signs and symptoms after vitamin C supplementation.

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