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  4. Nucleic Acid Extraction
Nucleic Acid Extraction

Nucleic acid extraction is the process of extracting DNA or RNA from biological samples and is one of the basic steps in molecular biology and genetics research. The key goal of this process is to isolate and purify nucleic acids from cells for subsequent analysis and experimentation. Nucleic acid extraction methods can vary depending on the sample type and the type of nucleic acid required. Common samples include blood, tissue, cell culture, etc. MCE has a wide selection of kits and instruments to simplify and standardize the extraction process.

Related Experimental Schemes

  • By lysing cells, releasing RNA, and removing impurities such as proteins and DNA, high-purity RNA products are finally obtained. The commonly used traditional method is the guanidine isothiocyanate/phenol/chloroform method (Trizol), which is suitable for a variety of animal materials including animal tissues, microorganisms, cultured cells, etc., and most plant materials.

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