1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Cullin-5



Core component of multiple SCF-like ECS (Elongin-Cullin 2/5-SOCS-box protein) E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complexes, which mediate the ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation of target proteins. As a scaffold protein may contribute to catalysis through positioning of the substrate and the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme. The functional specificity of the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complex depends on the variable substrate recognition component. ECS(SOCS1) seems to direct ubiquitination of JAK2. ECS(KLHDC1) complex is part of the DesCEND (destruction via C-end degrons) pathway and mediates ubiquitination and degradation of truncated SELENOS selenoprotein produced by failed UGA/Sec decoding, which ends with a glycine. As part of a multisubunit complex composed of elongin BC complex (ELOB and ELOC), elongin A/ELOA, RBX1 and CUL5; polyubiquitinates monoubiquitinated POLR2A. May form a cell surface vasopressin receptor.; (Microbial infection) Seems to be involved in proteosomal degradation of p53/TP53 stimulated by adenovirus E1B-55 kDa protein.

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