1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Defensin alpha 4

Defensin alpha 4


Host-defense peptide that has antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative bacteria, and to a lesser extent also against Gram-positive bacteria and fungi. Exhibits antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative E.coli and E.aerogenes and Gram-positive S.faecalis, S.aureus and B.cereus and the yeast C.albicans (in vitro). Interacts with pathogenic surface proteins and toxins, such as HIV-1 surface protein gp120 and B.anthracis anthrax lethal factor lef. Protects blood cells against infection with HIV-1 (in vitro). Inhibits enzymatic activity of B.anthracis lef/anthrax lethal factor (in vitro). Inhibits corticotropin (ACTH)-stimulated corticosterone production (in vitro).

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