1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Gout



Gout is a kind of arthritis associated with hyperuricemia. It is triggered due to precipitation and deposition of inflammatory monosodium urate crystals in synovial and other tissues, accompanied by severe pain. The most common symptoms include swelling, tenderness, warmth and redness. Mostly, the joint at the base of the big toe is affected, gout progresses with more frequent attacks that involve multiple joints. Joint pain that used to resolve in a week to 10 days could become a milder, but constant pain. Eventually, untreated gout can cause other comorbidities such as high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. The incidence of the disease is more common in 40s men than women, but gout in women after menopause appears increased risk. Recently, the onset in 20s increases. The development of gout is not only associated with sex, age, race and genetics, but also diet and lifestyle are contributed to increasing prevalence of the disease. Epidemiology studies reported that the excessive intake of alcohol and purine rich food, which excessively produce uric acid, leads to accumulation of uric acid.

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