1. Biology Dictionary
  2. N-arachidonyl glycine receptor

N-arachidonyl glycine receptor


Receptor for endocannabinoid N-arachidonyl glycine (NAGly). However, conflicting results about the role of NAGly as an agonist are reported. Can also be activated by plant-derived and synthetic cannabinoid agonists. The activity of this receptor is mediated by G proteins which inhibit adenylyl cyclase. May contribute to regulation of the immune system. Is required for normal homeostasis of CD8+ subsets of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) (CD8alphaalpha and CD8alphabeta IELs)in small intstine by supporting preferential migration of CD8alphaalpha T-cells to intraepithelial compartment over lamina propria compartment, and by mediating their reconstitution into small intestine after bone marrow transplant (By similarity). Plays a role in hypotensive responses, mediating reduction in intraocular and blood pressure (By similarity). Mediates NAGly-induced process of reorganization of actin filaments and induction of acrosomal exocytosis.

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