1. Biology Dictionary
  2. C-C motif chemokine 4

C-C motif chemokine 4


Monokine with inflammatory and chemokinetic properties. Binds to CCR5. One of the major HIV-suppressive factors produced by CD8+ T-cells. Recombinant MIP-1-beta induces a dose-dependent inhibition of different strains of HIV-1, HIV-2, and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). The processed form MIP-1-beta(3-69) retains the abilities to induce down-modulation of surface expression of the chemokine receptor CCR5 and to inhibit the CCR5-mediated entry of HIV-1 in T-cells. MIP-1-beta(3-69) is also a ligand for CCR1 and CCR2 isoform B.

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