1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Homologous-pairing protein 2 homolog

Homologous-pairing protein 2 homolog


Plays an important role in meiotic recombination. Stimulates DMC1-mediated strand exchange required for pairing homologous chromosomes during meiosis. The complex PSMC3IP/MND1 binds DNA, stimulates the recombinase activity of DMC1 as well as DMC1 D-loop formation from double-strand DNA. This complex stabilizes presynaptic RAD51 and DMC1 filaments formed on single strand DNA to capture double-strand DNA. This complex stimulates both synaptic and presynaptic critical steps in RAD51 and DMC1-promoted homologous pairing. May inhibit HIV-1 viral protein TAT activity and modulate the activity of proteasomes through association with PSMC3. Acts as a tissue specific coactivator of hormone-dependent transcription mediated by nuclear receptors.

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