1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Ichthyosis follicularis, alopecia, and photophobia syndrome

Ichthyosis follicularis, alopecia, and photophobia syndrome


Ichthyosis follicularis, alopecia, and photophobia (IFAP) syndrome is a rare X-linked genetic disorder characterized by congenital ichthyosis follicularis and noncicatricial universal alopecia. Photophobia is also present in early childhood. Other features include short stature, seizures, and mental retardation. The causative gene is MBTPS2 which encodes a membrane-embedded zinc metalloprotease involved in endoplasmic reticulum stress response. Recently, it has been reported that mutations in SREBF1, encoding sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1, cause autosomal dominant IFAP syndrome.

Biomedical Dictionary

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