1. Biology Dictionary
  2. IST1 homolog

IST1 homolog


ESCRT-III-like protein involved in cytokinesis, nuclear envelope reassembly and endosomal tubulation. Is required for efficient abscission during cytokinesis. Involved in recruiting VPS4A and/or VPS4B to the midbody of dividing cells. During late anaphase, involved in nuclear envelope reassembly and mitotic spindle disassembly together with the ESCRT-III complex: IST1 acts by mediating the recruitment of SPAST to the nuclear membrane, leading to microtubule severing. Recruited to the reforming nuclear envelope (NE) during anaphase by LEMD2. Regulates early endosomal tubulation together with the ESCRT-III complex by mediating the recruitment of SPAST.

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