1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Rabankyrin-5



Proposed effector of Rab5. Binds to phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI(3)P). Involved in homotypic early endosome fusion and to a lesser extent in heterotypic fusion of chlathrin-coated vesicles with early endosomes. Involved in macropinocytosis; the function is dependent on Rab5-GTP. Required for correct endosomal localization. Involved in the internalization and trafficking of activated tyrosine kinase receptors such as PDGFRB. Regulates the subcellular localization of the retromer complex in a EHD1-dependent manner. Involved in endosome-to-Golgi transport and biosynthetic transport to late endosomes and lysosomes indicative for a regulation of retromer complex-mediated retrograde transport.

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