1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Splicing regulator SDE2

Splicing regulator SDE2


Inhibits translesion DNA synthesis by preventing monoubiquitination of PCNA, this is necessary to counteract damage due to ultraviolet light-induced replication stress. SDE2 is cleaved following PCNA binding, and its complete degradation is necessary to allow S-phase progression following DNA damage.; Plays a role in pre-mRNA splicing by facilitating excision of relatively short introns featuring weak 3'-splice sites (ss) and high GC content. May recruit CACTIN to the spliceosome (By similarity).; Plays a role in ribosome biogenesis by enabling SNORD3- and SNORD118-dependent cleavage of the 47S rRNA precursor. Binds ncRNA (non-coding RNA) including the snoRNAs SNORD3 and SNORD118.

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